I'm A Legal Alien Now

Monday, March 12, 2007

Weekend! With Real Weekend Activities!

Splendid weekend! Social contact!

1. On Friday night was the first in Sexy T's birthday activities at a 14th Street bar. Only Scarlett and I from work ended up going with him but it was rad. Not surprisingly, he has hot gay friends. I also learnt about my new favourite shot- a Redheaded Slut (jagermeister, peach schapps and cranberry juice). Walked home with Scarlett, who is becoming a bit of a BFF.

Oh! Walking to the bar with Sexy T I learnt that my suspicions about the creepy looking building on 14 & S or thereabouts is in fact a sleazy gay sex club known as J.O.E's (jerk-off enthusiasts) so it was nice to have my gut feeling proven right.

2. Saturday night was part two of Sexy T's birthday, a more private event at his place. More sexy gay friends. I felt fat and slightly incompetent but it didn't really worry me nearly as much as it used to. Hung out a bit with Speedy Gonzales from work and his boyfriend. Drank more. Checked out Sexy T's amazingly hot (and, somewhat surprisingly, straight) Austrian roomie.

3. At one of the Dapper farewell events I was sitting next to Mrs Nikko who is the wife of Mr Nikko. Mr Nikko has the most incredible handlebar moustache. Anyway, it turned out during the course of the evening that they have this amazing Japanese house way out in Alexandria so I was invited over for a 'Japanese evening'. It was splendid! We had tea! We sat on the floor, on tatami! I had delicious sake!

I also learnt that the building that had so puzzled me from the plane as I took off for New York two Saturdays ago-

-is in fact the National Masonic Memorial and is home to the world's largest single Oriental carpet, apparently (Mr Nikko knows all sorts of things like this). It was quite striking viewed from a plane, as it quite literally sits in the middle of suburbia.

I have booked my trip to Chicago for Easter which has me thrilled. Best of all, the Palmer House Hilton was having a sale and come Easter, this is the lobby of my digs-

(none of the pics in this post are mine)


Blogger JustAnne. said...

You must pardon my ignorance, but what does "BFF" stand for. All I have is "Best Friends Forever", and I feel that I should confirm this. :)

Meanwhile, this Numb3rs show is truly horrifying (You can use math to solve crimes, and female mathematicians are HOT!). Why is it still on television? And more importantly, why is it more popular in Australia than it is in the states.


10:31 AM  
Blogger Ian said...

yes, that is what BFF is. We use it with gay abandon at work.

Something in my apartment stinks and I can't find it. This is unrelated to sexy female mathematicians, but produces a similiar reaction.

9:35 PM  
Blogger JustAnne. said...

Man, I am so hip w the acronym-lingo.

Talk about living in the now, I rock!



9:44 AM  

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