I'm A Legal Alien Now

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Goal Achieved!

One of my work-related goals is to receive a letter draft back from Dapper without any corrections. I don't make spelling or grammar mistakes, rather he has a very distinct style he prefers. It's actually a good thing, as my correspondence can be somewhat terse. Anyway, today I achieved this goal. I would have done a little victory dance, but I Am A Professional.

I'm flying up to New York tomorrow night for the long weekend, so am a bit excited about that. Actually, I'm a lot excited. Except many a photo.

Roomie and his boyfriend have gone to Provincetown for the long weekend, and I am home alone. This would be cause for celebration, but it is a Thursday night and I have to clean some clothes and pack. Oh, woe of the jetsetter.


Blogger JustAnne. said...

Hey, laundry can be glamourous too you know!

Have fun in New York, and try and remember the little people.

Oh, and just in case you didn't know, it's father's day on Sunday.

5:24 AM  
Blogger Ian said...

Yes, I have briefly wished my father the compliments of the celebration.

6:41 PM  

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