I'm A Legal Alien Now

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Jingle Bells, Jingle...oh.


I have finally FINISHED my Christmas/Gift Shopping for Oct 23 2006- Jan 24 2007. All I need to do now is wrap, box and put on a boat to Australia so that they arrive by April.


Slightly tardy, but awesome nonetheless.

I saw Notes on a Scandal last night. It was written by the same guy who did Closer and there were lots of similarities- it felt a bit like a play and was emotionally devastating without being melodramatic. Also, most of the characters are unlikeable to the max. If Helen Mirren hadn't done The Queen, Judi Dench would have to win another Oscar for this movie. She is amazing- such a courageous actress to play such a harridan and do an implied nude scene with all her age- saggy arms, wobbly thighs- in full glory. Cate Blanchett is beautiful and brilliant too. All in all, it was a brilliant but harrowing movie.


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