It is rather early but I woke up because I was so sticky and hot. I've turned on my bedroom airconditioner and sealed up the room to try and refrigerate it a little before going back to bed. I also had a rather hilarious voicemail from Sexy T who is at the beach and, by the sounds of it, completely hammered.
Yesterday morning, Xena and I took the Acela up to New York for some work-type things. We spent most of the day doing such things in a gallery in Chelsea, apart from a side visit to the most amazing office ever. I can't explain how much I covet this office. It's in a building at 601 26th Street, a really elegant old skyscraper with a curve in its design. We took the lift up to the 16th floor to this modeling agency. The interior of the building is still very daggy and industrial- concrete floors, rough white brick walls and the pipes running along the roof but then each office (both Hilfiger and Martha Stewart have their showrooms in this building) is individually decorated rather sensationally. But what really made me covet it was the view- over the river, Jersey and the uptown skyline. It was heartbreaking to think that not only are these people beautiful and rich, they have sensational office space.
Anyway, we ended up at City Hall Park which was unexpectedly beautiful in the late afternoon with office workers and the fountain and a stack of Calder stabiles dotted round the place. Drinks and dinner followed, whereupon Xena and I got totally smashed and played fashion police and at one point were laughing so hard on 7th Avenue that we both thought we would wet ourselves. If only we could remember what was so hilarious.
We staggered to the Met Museum yesterday morning to see the
Poiret show. It was a wonderful, nay, superb exhibition. We also checked out their Barcelona Modernity show, which wasn't that great, and then up to the roof for lunch and
Frank Stella sculptures. I became very displeased at their no-photo rule of the artwork (not that it stopped me) as I think is particularly wanky not to allow photographs of outdoor art.
This was followed by the exclusive Monet show at the
Wildenstein Company, an extremely prestigious art gallery, which was beautiful but their staff made the experience so unpleasant. Sort of cross snooty door bitch with power-mad bouncer in a dark suit. The works were stunning though, and then someone important invited us into his office to show us some works from the Napoleon era which were for sale (starting at $225,000) and he was so nice it greatly improved the whole experience.
A quick coffee at Barneys followed (how I adore it) before leaving Xena and returning to DC on the Regional (Business Class happily so very pleasant). I also totally love Union Station.
Now, some photos from the Roof Garden:
Labels: museums, New York, photos, travel